Founded in 2002, The Rohatyn Group (TRG) is a global asset management firm focusing on emerging markets and real assets.  TRG acquired Ethos Private Equity in April 2023 and has been appointed as the contracted investment Advisor to Ethos Capital. For more information on TRG, please visit



Ethos Capital offers investors long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of unlisted investments. These assets were managed by Ethos Private Equity until 1 April 2023, when it was acquired by The Rohatyn Group (TRG), a global asset management firm focusing on emerging markets and real assets.

Following the completion of the merger, Ethos Capital will continue to hold its investments in the Ethos Funds (to be renamed TRG Funds) on the current terms. Rohatyn Management South Africa Proprietary Limited (TRG South Africa) will assume responsibility as the sole investment advisor to Ethos Capital once it is licenced as a financial services provider, but in the interim will act together with Ethos Private Equity (as its juristic representative).

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